Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rose Moon

Well, for the next few weeks I'm back to working. It's a familiar routine from last year and I love it for that. Working on the beach and learning about the plants here on Beaver Island may never get boring. Looking out my window over Lake Michigan, I can see the moon rising. Tonight it's a beautiful royal pink. I wonder what causes it to appear so blushed.... Anyway, earlier while I was working on inputting data in the computer lab, Binney (my professor who I'm working for this summer) came in and called to us that there was a snake that had caught a frog. I jumped to my feet, leaving my excel spredsheet wide open on the screen, and went out to observe. I'll save the details (because I know some of my followers too well) but it was very cool. There was a solid group of about 8 bio-geeks talking and commentating for a good 45 minutes! Reason #317 why I know I'm studying the right field.
There are 38 more days until I fly out of the country. It still doesn't really feel like I'm going to be traveling, thousands of miles from home in just over a month!

1 comment:

Paulita said...

Mirae, Cool work and even more exciting that you are off to France. I can't wait to read about your adventures.