Friday, August 20, 2010

Mile Markers

It's down to two weeks now! And there is so much going on in those next 14 days. Tomorrow is my dad's 50th birthday, the next day we help my brother Alex move into college (!) and from there go to my cousin's wedding. Then there's shopping, packing, dentist check ups, my birthday, the Cascades Civil War Muster and a plane to catch!

My Beaver Island family in front of the favorite ice cream stop Daddy Frank's.
(Tim, Kelsey, Leo, Binney, Zach and myself with Freya and Otto in front)
Just for fun, and the sake of experimenting, I wanted to post a picture of the wonderful people I spent most of my summer with. It's been weird coming home after three straight weeks of 7:15 breakfasts and full days in the sunshine on the beach with friends. But seeing Alex off to school is worth a myriad reorientations to my shady, furry home (with five pets, how else is there to describe it?).

I now have my new computer! For study abroad, I bought a Dell mini notebook for easier travel and communication (my past laptop didn't have a built in camera for skyping and weighed a good half ton). In honor of my affections for Monty Python's Flying Circus and for all the times we IDed Larix on the beaches of BI, I named her Larch. Just today, after two days of back and forths, the Dell support tech people were able to figure out why I wasn't allowed to personalize my desktop. So I now see a my favorite picture of my housemates from our last outing together every time I log in (Hi guys!).
Well, I'm off to make some birthday preparations! After this weekend, I'm back to organizing, packing, and freaking out (slightly). À plus!

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