Sunday, January 9, 2011

Est-ce que vous avez- Oh yeah! You speak English here!

Top 'o the evenin' to ya! Guess who has arrived in Dublin! Yeah, that'd be me. Oh man, the trip to get here from Strasbourg was killer. We had a train to Paris, then the RER (speedy metro) to Charles de Gaulle airport for our flight to Belfast, Ireland from where we rode approximately 3.5 hours between two different buses to finally get to Dublin and our hostel. Phew! It's funny to be here and be able to overhear conversations without much effort. We also have to be more careful with what we say to each other! In France, I've found myself commenting on someones cute boots or interesting hairstyle aloud to my friends, assuming that my low tone and accent would dissuade any English speaking French from fully understanding. But in Ireland, they will most likely understand the majority of what we are saying. heh, heh...
The taxi drivers that we've had here so far have been great. We've chatted with them about the weather, since it's been so cold and snowy all over Europe, and each time the driver has turned to us after stopping at our destination and told us where to go/walk as two girls in the city, but not before forbidding us from certain areas and nightclubs. I felt almost like our first driver's daughter with how he was emphasizing that we should NOT, under any circumstances, feel like going in one area of the town at night. Luckily it's a way off from where we're staying and we don't have any such urges.
Tomorrow Kailee and I are planning to explore Trinity College and other wonders of Dublin. Hopefully we'll find a good glass of Guinness with what will undoubtedly be a lateish lunch. I can't have visited Ireland without saying I had some. How could I live that down?
One week and I'll be on my way home!! Toodles!

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